mma class at striking clinic

An Introduction to MMA

If you're new to MMA and grappling, it can be intimidating to get started. But with the right guidance and practice, you can quickly become comfortable with the basics. At a Striking Clinic, you can learn the fundamental techniques of MMA striking, such as the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. You'll also learn how to move around the ring, how to defend yourself, and how to use your body weight to generate power in your strikes.

Grappling is another essential aspect of MMA, and it refers to the techniques used to control your opponent without striking them. This includes takedowns, throws, and submissions. At a grappling clinic, you'll learn how to properly execute these techniques, as well as how to defend against them. You'll also learn how to control your opponent on the ground, how to escape from bad positions, and how to submit your opponent.

Whether you're interested in striking, grappling, or both, a striking clinic is a great place to start your MMA journey. With experienced coaches and a supportive community, you'll receive the guidance and training you need to develop your skills and confidence in the ring. So don't be intimidated – take the first step and start your MMA training today!

Understanding MMA and Grappling

If you are new to the world of combat sports and martial arts, you might find the term MMA thrown around quite a bit. MMA stands for mixed martial arts, which is a combat sport that combines various techniques from martial arts and combat sports to create a versatile fighting style. One of the most important aspects of MMA is grappling, which involves close-range combat with an emphasis on wrestling, takedowns, joint locks, chokes, and submission techniques.

Grappling is a crucial discipline in MMA, and it requires a strategic approach to gain control over your opponent. Unlike striking, which involves punches, kicks, and other strikes, grappling is all about body control and positioning. Grappling techniques are built on three fundamental principles: control, leverage, and timing. These principles are essential for gaining the upper hand over your opponent and executing effective submissions.

MMA fighters who are skilled in grappling are often able to take their opponents down to the ground, where they can use their body weight and leverage to control the fight. Once on the ground, fighters use a variety of techniques to gain an advantage, including submission holds, joint locks, and chokes. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is one of the most popular grappling styles in MMA, and many fighters use BJJ techniques to dominate their opponents on the ground.

If you are interested in getting started with MMA and grappling, it is essential to find a reputable gym that offers classes in these disciplines. Look for a gym that has experienced coaches who can teach you the fundamentals of grappling and help you develop your skills over time. It is also important to invest in the right gear, including a mouthguard, gloves, and protective equipment, to ensure your safety during training and competition.

Overall, grappling is a crucial aspect of MMA and a discipline that requires patience, practice, and dedication to master. With the right training and mindset, anyone can learn the fundamentals of grappling and become a skilled MMA fighter.

Fundamentals of MMA and Grappling

If you are a beginner in MMA, it is essential to understand the fundamentals of the sport. MMA is a combat sport that combines different martial arts disciplines, including striking and grappling. Grappling is where it's at when it comes to MMA. It's all about taking down your opponent, holding them in place, and making them tap out.

One of the most crucial aspects of MMA is positioning. You need to understand how to position yourself correctly to execute effective techniques. Positioning involves maintaining balance, controlling your opponent, and moving in and out of range.

Takedowns and throws are also essential techniques in MMA. These techniques allow you to take your opponent to the ground and gain a dominant position. It is important to learn the proper technique for executing takedowns and throws to avoid injury and maximize effectiveness.

In grappling, the guard position is a fundamental technique. The guard is a position where you are on your back with your legs wrapped around your opponent. It is a defensive position that allows you to control your opponent and prevent them from advancing their position.

Movement and control are also crucial in grappling. You need to be able to move your body effectively to maintain control over your opponent. This involves using your body weight and leverage to control your opponent's movements.

In close range, striking becomes less effective, and grappling becomes more important. To be successful in MMA, you need to be proficient in both striking and grappling. By mastering the fundamentals of MMA and grappling, you will be on your way to becoming a skilled MMA fighter.

Striking Techniques in MMA

If you're new to MMA, striking may seem intimidating at first, but with practice and patience, you'll soon get the hang of it. In this section, we'll cover some of the basics you need to know to get started with MMA striking.


Punches are a crucial part of MMA striking. There are several types of punches you should know, including the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. Here's a brief overview of each:

  • Jab: The jab is a straight punch thrown with your lead hand. It's quick and used to set up other strikes.

  • Cross: The cross is a straight punch thrown with your rear hand. It's a powerful strike that can knock out your opponent.

  • Hook: The hook is a punch thrown in a circular motion with your lead or rear hand. It's a great strike for getting around your opponent's guard.

  • Uppercut: The uppercut is an upward punch thrown with your lead or rear hand. It's a powerful strike that can knock out your opponent.


Kicks are another important part of MMA striking. There are several types of kicks you should know, including the front kick, roundhouse kick, and side kick. Here's a brief overview of each:

  • Front kick: The front kick is a straight kick thrown with your lead leg. It's quick and used to keep your opponent at bay.

  • Roundhouse kick: The roundhouse kick is a powerful kick thrown in a circular motion with your lead or rear leg. It's a great strike for targeting your opponent's midsection or head.

  • Side kick: The side kick is a straight kick thrown with your lead or rear leg. It's a powerful strike that can knock your opponent back.

Elbows and Knees

Elbows and knees are also important strikes in MMA. Here's a brief overview of each:

  • Elbows: Elbows are thrown in a similar way to punches, but with the striking surface being the elbow instead of the fist. They're powerful strikes that can cause serious damage to your opponent.

  • Knees: Knees are thrown by bringing your knee up and striking with the knee or the shin. They're powerful strikes that can knock out your opponent or cause serious damage to their body.

Striking Styles

There are several different striking styles used in MMA, including boxing and Muay Thai. Boxing is a great style for learning the basics of striking, while Muay Thai is known for its powerful kicks, knees, and elbows.

In conclusion, striking is an essential part of MMA, and with practice, you can become proficient in a variety of strikes. Whether you prefer punches, kicks, elbows, or knees, there's a striking style that will work for you.

Grappling Techniques in MMA

Grappling is a crucial component of MMA. By mastering grappling techniques, you can take down your opponent, hold them in place, and make them submit. In MMA, you can grapple your opponent on the feet, take them down, hold them down and strike them there, and apply a choke, a joint lock, or many other painful holds that force them to submit.

Here are some of the most common grappling techniques used in MMA:

1. Chokes

Chokes are a highly effective way to make your opponent submit. There are two types of chokes: blood chokes and air chokes. Blood chokes cut off the blood flow to the brain, while air chokes cut off the air supply. Some common chokes used in MMA include the rear naked choke, the guillotine choke, and the triangle choke.

2. Joint Locks

Joint locks are another way to make your opponent submit. Joint locks involve applying pressure to a joint, such as the elbow, shoulder, or knee, in order to force your opponent to tap out. Some common joint locks used in MMA include the armbar, the kimura, and the heel hook.

3. Sweeps

Sweeps are used to take your opponent down to the ground. By sweeping your opponent, you can gain a dominant position on the ground and control the fight. Some common sweeps used in MMA include the scissor sweep, the butterfly sweep, and the tripod sweep.

4. Ground and Pound

Ground and pound is a technique used in MMA where a fighter takes their opponent down to the ground and then strikes them from the top position. This technique is highly effective and can cause significant damage to your opponent. Ground and pound is often used in combination with other grappling techniques, such as chokes and joint locks.

5. Ground Fighting

Ground fighting is a crucial aspect of MMA. By mastering ground fighting techniques, you can control your opponent and prevent them from escaping. Some common ground fighting techniques used in MMA include the guard, the mount, and the side control.

In conclusion, mastering grappling techniques is essential if you want to succeed in MMA. By learning chokes, joint locks, sweeps, ground and pound, and ground fighting, you can take control of the fight and force your opponent to submit.

Training for MMA and Grappling

If you're interested in getting started with MMA and grappling, it's important to have a solid training plan in place. This should include a variety of different exercises and drills that focus on developing your strength, endurance, coordination, and other key attributes.

One of the most important aspects of training for MMA and grappling is sparring. This involves practicing your techniques with a partner in a controlled environment. It's important to start slow and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable with the techniques.

In addition to sparring, there are a number of other drills and exercises that can help you improve your skills. These might include strength and conditioning exercises, physical conditioning drills, and agility and footwork exercises.

Flexibility is also important when it comes to MMA and grappling, so be sure to incorporate stretching exercises into your routine. This will help you maintain your range of motion and avoid injury.

Timing and accuracy are also key components of MMA and grappling, so be sure to practice your techniques with a focus on these elements. This might involve working on your timing and accuracy through drills and exercises, or simply focusing on these elements during sparring sessions.

Finally, leverage is an important factor in many grappling techniques. By understanding how to use leverage to your advantage, you can become much more effective in your techniques and gain an edge over your opponents.

Overall, training for MMA and grappling requires a combination of different exercises and drills that focus on developing your strength, endurance, coordination, and other key attributes. By incorporating these elements into your training plan, you can become a more effective fighter and take your skills to the next level.

Equipment Needed for MMA and Grappling

When starting with MMA and grappling, it is essential to have the right equipment to protect yourself and get the most out of your training. Here are some of the key pieces of equipment you will need:

  • MMA Gloves: You will need a quality pair of MMA gloves for bag work, pads, and sparring training. Look for gloves that fit well and provide good wrist support.

  • Shin Guards: Shin guards are important for protecting your shins during sparring and training. Look for guards that provide good coverage and are comfortable to wear.

  • Mouthguard: A mouthguard is essential for protecting your teeth and jaw during sparring and competition. Look for a mouthguard that fits well and is comfortable to wear.

  • Gi: If you are training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you will need a gi (uniform). Look for a gi that is durable and fits well.

  • Gear: You may also need other gear such as headgear, elbow pads, knee pads, and ankle supports depending on the type of training you are doing. Make sure to check with your coach or trainer to see what gear is required.

It is important to invest in quality equipment that will last and provide the protection you need. Don't skimp on gear as it can affect your performance and put you at risk of injury. Make sure to regularly inspect and replace your gear as needed to ensure it is in good condition.

Overall, having the right equipment is essential for getting started with MMA and grappling. Make sure to invest in quality gear and check with your coach or trainer to see what gear is required for your training. With the right equipment, you can train safely and effectively.

Understanding Rules and Regulations

Before you start training in MMA and grappling, it is important to understand the rules and regulations of the sport. MMA is a combat sport that involves a combination of techniques from different martial arts disciplines, including striking and grappling. The rules and regulations are in place to ensure the safety of the fighters and to make the sport fair and competitive.

One of the most notable rules in MMA is the use of a cage. The cage, also known as the octagon, is used to keep the fighters inside the fighting area and to prevent them from falling out of the ring. The cage also allows for more striking and grappling opportunities, as fighters can use the cage to their advantage.

Another important aspect of MMA is the clinch. A clinch occurs when two fighters are in close proximity to each other and are holding onto each other. Clinches can be used for striking or grappling, and fighters can use them to take down their opponent or to defend against takedowns.

In addition to the cage and the clinch, there are rules in place regarding striking and grappling techniques. For example, certain strikes are not allowed, such as strikes to the back of the head or spine. Grappling techniques such as eye gouging and biting are also prohibited.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of MMA before you start training. This will ensure that you are training safely and effectively, and that you are prepared for any competition that you may enter in the future.

The Role of Different Disciplines in MMA

When it comes to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), there are various disciplines that fighters can incorporate into their training. Each discipline has its own unique set of techniques and strategies that can be utilised in the octagon. In this section, we will explore the role of different disciplines in MMA and how they can be used to create a well-rounded fighter.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

BJJ is a grappling-based martial art that focuses on ground fighting and submissions. It is one of the most popular disciplines in MMA and is often used by fighters to control their opponent on the ground. BJJ is particularly effective for smaller fighters who can use leverage and technique to overcome larger opponents.


Wrestling is another grappling-based martial art that is commonly used in MMA. Wrestlers are known for their takedowns and ability to control their opponent on the ground. Wrestling is particularly effective for fighters who want to dominate their opponents in the clinch and take the fight to the ground.


Judo is a Japanese martial art that focuses on throws and takedowns. It is a highly effective discipline for fighters who want to take their opponents down to the ground and control them. Judo practitioners are known for their explosive movements and quick reflexes.


Sambo is a Russian martial art that combines elements of wrestling and judo. It is a highly effective discipline for fighters who want to dominate their opponents on the ground. Sambo practitioners are known for their powerful takedowns and submissions.


Kickboxing is a striking-based martial art that focuses on punches, kicks, and knees. It is one of the most popular disciplines in MMA and is often used by fighters to keep their opponents at a distance. Kickboxing is particularly effective for fighters who want to strike from range and avoid getting taken down.

In conclusion, MMA fighters need to be well-rounded and incorporate a variety of disciplines into their training. Grappling-based martial arts such as BJJ, wrestling, judo, and sambo are particularly effective for controlling opponents on the ground. Striking-based martial arts such as kickboxing are effective for keeping opponents at a distance and striking from range. By incorporating different disciplines into their training, fighters can become well-rounded and effective in the octagon.

Developing Effective Strategies

To become successful in MMA, you need to develop effective strategies that can help you gain an advantage over your opponent. Here are some tips to help you focus on developing effective strategies:

Focus on Your Strengths

One of the most effective strategies in MMA is to focus on your strengths. By focusing on what you do best, you can use your skills to gain an advantage over your opponent. For example, if you are a great striker, you can focus on keeping the fight standing and using your striking skills to win the fight.

Study Your Opponent

To develop an effective strategy, you need to study your opponent. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses and figure out how you can exploit them. For example, if your opponent is a great striker, you can focus on taking the fight to the ground and using your grappling skills to win the fight.

Stay Calm and Focused

In MMA, it's easy to get caught up in the hype of the fight. However, it's important to stay calm and focused on your strategy. If you get too caught up in the moment, you may make mistakes that can cost you the fight.

Be Adaptable

One of the most important aspects of developing an effective strategy is to be adaptable. MMA is a dynamic sport, and you need to be able to adapt to your opponent's game plan. If your opponent is able to neutralize your strengths, you need to be able to adjust your strategy and find a new way to win the fight.

By focusing on your strengths, studying your opponent, staying calm and focused, and being adaptable, you can develop effective strategies that can help you win fights in MMA.

Conditioning and Fitness for MMA and Grappling

To become a successful MMA fighter or grappler, you need to be in top physical condition. This means having a strong core, good endurance, and overall fitness. Here are some tips to help you improve your conditioning and fitness for MMA and grappling:

Strength Training

Strength training is essential for building the power you need to deliver effective strikes and grappling techniques. It involves weightlifting, resistance training, and bodyweight exercises. To get started, focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Aim to lift weights that are challenging but manageable, and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger.

Cardiovascular Training

Cardiovascular training is important for improving your endurance and stamina. You should aim to do at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, such as running, cycling, or swimming, three to four times a week. To make your workouts more challenging, try interval training, which involves alternating between high-intensity and low-intensity exercise.

Core Training

Your core is the foundation of your body, and it's essential for generating power in your strikes and grappling techniques. To strengthen your core, focus on exercises that target your abs, obliques, and lower back, such as planks, crunches, and Russian twists. You can also incorporate stability exercises, such as balancing on a Swiss ball or using a wobble board.

Flexibility Training

Flexibility is important for preventing injuries and improving your range of motion. You should aim to do at least 10 minutes of stretching before and after every workout. Focus on stretching your major muscle groups, such as your hamstrings, quads, and back. You can also incorporate yoga or Pilates into your training routine to improve your flexibility and balance.

By incorporating these training methods into your routine, you can improve your conditioning and fitness for MMA and grappling. Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts over time. With dedication and hard work, you can become a successful MMA fighter or grappler.

Self-Defence and MMA

When it comes to self-defence, MMA is one of the most effective combat sports. It allows you to use a combination of striking and grappling techniques to defend yourself against an attacker. With MMA, you'll learn how to punch, kick, elbow, knee, slam, clinch, grapple, and submit opponents.

One of the key benefits of MMA for self-defence is that it teaches you how to defend yourself in a variety of situations. Whether you're standing up or on the ground, you'll have the skills to protect yourself. MMA also teaches you how to deal with multiple attackers, which is an important skill in self-defence.

In addition to the physical skills, MMA also teaches you mental toughness and discipline. You'll learn how to stay calm under pressure and how to push through physical and mental barriers. These skills can be invaluable in a self-defence situation.

It's important to note that while MMA can be a great self-defence tool, it's not a guarantee of safety. No martial art can guarantee that you won't be hurt in a self-defence situation. However, by learning MMA, you'll be better equipped to defend yourself if the need arises.

Overall, if you're looking to learn self-defence, MMA is a great choice. It's a comprehensive martial art that teaches you a variety of skills and techniques that can be applied in real-world situations.

Starting Your Training Regimen

When it comes to starting your MMA training regimen, you may be wondering where to begin. Should you start with grappling or striking? The answer may depend on your personal preference and goals, but there are benefits to beginning your training with either.

If you are a beginner, it may be beneficial to start with a basic understanding of both striking and grappling techniques. This will give you a well-rounded foundation to build upon as you progress in your training. Many MMA gyms offer beginner classes that cover the basics of both striking and grappling, so be sure to take advantage of these classes.

When it comes to structuring your training regimen, it's important to find a balance between striking and grappling. This will not only help prevent injury but also ensure that you are developing your skills in both areas.

Here are some tips for structuring your training regimen:

  • Start with a warm-up: Begin your training session with a 10-15 minute warm-up that includes stretching and cardio exercises. This will help prevent injury and prepare your body for the workout ahead.

  • Alternate between striking and grappling: When structuring your training regimen, it's important to alternate between striking and grappling. For example, you could start with 30 minutes of striking drills followed by 30 minutes of grappling drills.

  • Take rest days: Rest days are just as important as training days. Make sure to take at least one or two rest days per week to allow your body to recover and prevent injury.

  • Attend classes: Attending classes at your MMA gym can be a great way to structure your training regimen. Many gyms offer classes that focus on specific areas, such as striking or grappling, and can help you develop your skills in these areas.

Remember, starting your MMA training regimen can be challenging, but with dedication and consistency, you can achieve your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to learn MMA with no prior experience?

Absolutely! MMA is a sport that welcomes beginners with open arms. In fact, many MMA gyms have beginner classes specifically designed for those who are new to the sport. These classes will teach you the basics of striking, grappling, and everything in between. With time and practice, anyone can learn MMA.

What are some key techniques to focus on when starting to learn MMA and grappling?

When starting out in MMA and grappling, it's important to focus on the basics. For striking, the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut are fundamental techniques that you'll use time and time again. For grappling, learning how to properly execute a takedown, control your opponent on the ground, and escape from bad positions are key. It's also important to focus on your footwork, as good footwork is essential for both striking and grappling.

How long does it typically take to become proficient in MMA?

Becoming proficient in MMA takes time and dedication. It's important to remember that everyone learns at their own pace, so there's no set timeline for becoming proficient. With consistent training and practice, most people will start to feel comfortable in the cage after about six months to a year. However, it can take several years of training to truly master the sport.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when starting out in MMA?

One common mistake that beginners make is trying to learn too much too quickly. It's important to focus on the basics and build a solid foundation before moving on to more advanced techniques. Another mistake is neglecting your defense. While offense is important, having good defense is equally crucial in MMA. Finally, it's important to listen to your body and not overtrain. Rest and recovery are just as important as training itself.

What are the career prospects for someone starting out in MMA?

While becoming a professional MMA fighter is a difficult and highly competitive path, there are many career opportunities in the sport. Some people go on to become coaches, trainers, or referees, while others work in promotions or media. Additionally, MMA can be a great way to stay in shape and improve your overall health and fitness.

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